Ulamas in addressing the issue of matlak are divided into several perspectives (Muhammad Hani Sa’i 2007). Firstly, each country refers to the results of its rukyat, and secondly, neighbouring nations should also fast when the hilal is sighted. Thirdly, when rukyat succeeds, all countries, far and near, are obliged to follow.
Meanwhile, regarding the enforceability area of rukyat, according to Abdurrahman al-Jaziri in al-Fiqh’ ala Mazahib aArba’ah (al-Jaziri 1999), three of the four well-known fiqh ulamas (Hanafi, Maliki, Hambali) (as-Sabuni 1999) tend to support global rukyat where a people’s testimony applies to Muslims around the world. In contrast, the Shafi’iyah school of thought prefers local rukyat, which only applies to one matlak of around a 24 farsakh radius (about 120 km). Wahbah az-Zuhaili, in the work of al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuhu (az-Zuhaili 1985), stated that the Shafi’iyah circle determines the radius related to the matlak between far and near areas. However, an-Nawawi in al-Majmu’ Syarh al-Muhazzab reported that there are three perspectives related to the criteria of far and near areas according to Syafi’iyah. The first perspective is that it is considered as far for the area in different matlak and as near for area in the same matlak. This is the most valid opinion among them. The second is that the benchmark is territorial unity, indicating it is considered a near area when it is in the same area. The third perspective is that it is seen as a far area when it reaches the qasar distance (89 km) and as a near area when less than the qasar distance (an- Nawawi n.d.). Based on the fiqh perspective, the enforceability area of the Hijri calendar can be global. However, local rukyat is still valid in many countries, which is also related to the perspective of rukyat proof [hilal observation]. The concept of wilayah al-hukmi initiated by Syafi’iyah can also bridge global
calendar enforcement when one jurisdiction can be accepted. The idea of one jurisdiction will be discussed further in socio political studies. (Noted from: Abdul Mufid dkk, “The implementation of new minister of religion of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore criteria towards the Hijri calendar unification”, dalam jurnal HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies ISSN: (Online) 2072-8050, (Print) 0259-9422)