The progress of Islamic civilization is inseparable from the influence of the emergence and rapid development of Islamic astronomy. Islam is leading world civilization and breaking records as the longest civilization that has a glory that lasts for about 14 centuries. At this time, astronomical activity in the Islamic world is widespread. This is where al-Khwarizmi makes a very valuable contribution. The construction of his mathematical astronomical thinking made him the foundation of the development of Islamic astronomy, in addition to its development of the geocentric theory of Aristotle and Ptolemy. This is the real contribution of al-Khwarizmi which is very large and fundamental in the Middle Ages of Islam which eventually became the starting point for the development of the next Muslim kilmuan and astronomers to date. The emergence of various observatories and planetoriums that make observations with more modern tools, finally gave birth to many new theories in the study of world astronomy. Therefore, this paper explores the role of al-Khwarizmi in the development and development of astronomy after the time to date.

Asli Mandala Gapura Sumenep Madura Jawa Timur, Koordinator Perukyat Wilayah Madura, Pengabdi di IAIN Madura (dulu STAIN Pamekasan) , Mampir Tidur di Pondok Pesantren Mathali'ul Anwar Pangarangan Sumenep, Pernah Nyantri di Asrama MAPK Jember dan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Bersandar di PMII dan NU, Ta'abbud Safari di RAUDHAH Masjid Nabawi dan Manasik Haji Mekkah (2014), Sekarang Nyantri di UIN Walisongo Semarang

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